Programs and Services


Contraception (IUD Insertion, pregnancy test)
Routine Immunization
Tuberculosis Skin Tests
Annual Physicals


1. Registered Nurse

We have an RN specialized in:

  •     Diabetes
  •     Hypertension
  •     High Cholesterol
  •     Child Wellness
  •     Weight Management
  •     Your Medications
  •     Wart Treatments
  •     Routine Pap Smears

Your Registered Nurse, Dianne Friske, is now available by appointment to assist in answering your health care questions.

Please see the front desk staff to leave your name and phone number and Dianne will contact you directly.

(No Doctor’s appointment required)

2. Mental Health Registered Nurse

We can provide you with the following services:

  • Counseling and Supportive Services for:
    Grief and bereavement
    Addiction and gambling
    Coping with life change
    Anxiety disorder
  • Stress Management
  • Anger Management
  • Need for more information and support on use of Psychotropic medications
  • Liaisons to different community health support services

Our Mental Health Nurse is available by appointment. You can call our office or the mental health nurse directly at 613-228-2882 to book an appointment with her.